Ms. Im Kyo Hee (affectionately called Grand Mentor - GM) spiritual mentor of Pastor Elisha Cho brings the message for our Mother’s Day Sunday service.

Sacred Invitation is a Lent devotional that is based on the Book of Common Prayer.
The season of Lent is a key rhythm in the lives of Christians leading up to the Easter celebration.
Through this sermon series, we will look into the various Sacred Invitations God is extending to us as we prepare our hearts for Good Friday and Resurrection Day.
Lent is not just about giving up chocolate or our favorite TV shows there is much more to participate in this holy rhythm. Won't you join us in this holy movement?

Hope is a word we see sprinkled throughout messages of the holiday season on Christmas cards, coffee mugs, and candles. But what is hope, really? Optimism? Positive thinking? Blind faith? What if hope were something more than any of these–something not only thrilling but life-changing?

During a time of year when the pace of life becomes even more frenzied than usual, the season of Advent presents us with a unique opportunity. The "Long-Expected Jesus" study invites the people of God to spend four weeks slowing down, waiting patiently, and praying expectantly in anticipation of our coming Savior.

Trustworthy people are hard to find. However, God is trustworthy every time and at every turn. Through Habakkuk we will glean how in difficult and challenging times honest prayers can lead us to see God’s plan and in the end sing His praises. Dare to be transformed!

In His love and mercy, God has provided us some warning signs that guide us safely along the journey of life. He does this in order to protect us from disaster and to provide life and joy for His children. Do you see the signs?

Pastor Elisha preaches a message of oneness and unity from John 17:20-26.

The story of Jonah is not just about a “big fish”. It presents a much deeper underlying theme about the love and redemption God offers us all, including those we may dislike, and our responsibility to respond to the call God places on our lives.

Doug Gregan from New Brothers Fellowship shares a powerful message.

Easter is the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Is this the day Jesus resurrects you as well? Discover the Ultimate Friend who sacrificed Himself to save you, offers you eternal life, and sets you free from everything that keeps you from God’s best for your life.

Some of the “famous last words” Jesus spoke on the cross revealed His purpose for coming while also addressing humanity’s greatest need: the forgiveness of sin. Why did Jesus pray for the forgiveness of the very people who were causing Him such excruciating physical and emotional pain? How do His actions on the cross make it possible for us to be forgiven and to forgive those who hurt us?

Jesus calls His followers to a life of active faith and mission, but many work hard to blend in, passively hiding in the shadows instead. Why the disconnect? Is it fear or ignorance? Laziness? Straight up disobedience? As we look to uncover the answers, get ready to draw strength from the ultimate Power Source as He activates a new missional mindset within!

We often get what we expect.
The season of Advent is about waiting with expectancy for the arrival of the Messiah. His coming brought us unquenchable hope, incomprehensible peace, immovable joy and unconditional love. Yet today, many of us find ourselves jaded by unmet expectations. What has gone wrong?
Join us in the quest to realign our expectations while recapturing the life-changing impact of Christ’s arrival.

Pastor Dan moderates a discussion panel comprised of several within our church family who share inspiring testimonies about how our discipleship and ministry efforts have impacted their lives.

Are we truly willing to scrutinize all of our activities, goals, plans and impulsive actions in order please God? Our own Brendan McGuire shares from his heart about God's holiness and His transforming presence within our lives.

The 23rd Psalm is a powerful passage that uses rich imagery to reveal how our Shepherd meets our needs, protects and provides for us, and prepares a table for us in the middle of the dark valleys we all face. Pastor Dan reminds us of the impact these truths can make in our lives while exposing the lies of our enemy.

The atmosphere has changed. A “new normal” is setting in. The “typical” Christian life is no longer enough. Christ’s followers are meant to live life through His resurrection power and with the anointing of His Holy Spirit. The “normal” experience for the Church is for spiritual breakthroughs to take place on a regular basis, but that only comes when our hearts are set toward God and we shift away from our self-focused thinking, even when that means our comfortable patterns of life must be broken. Are you making the shift?

Based on Proverbs 4:23 God commands us to guard our hearts for it is the wellspring of life. Pastor Elisha expounds on this truth with guarding Fort Knox because of the value that is within each of us. We have more value than the gold inside Fort Knox, and what is in our hearts reveals the reality of who we are.

Recent high school graduate Daniel Cunningham shares about God's call on our lives.

When Jesus taught His disciples to pray for God’s Kingdom to come, He wasn’t implying that it would come someday, and only if they prayed correctly. He was declaring that the Kingdom was already here! Today, by totally yielding to the Holy Spirit, we “activate” the Kingdom of God and are empowered to live out Kingdom values right now! In this series, we look at the book of Acts to glean some key characteristics of the Kingdom that's already here “on earth as it is in heaven.”

Pastor Dan shares his annual vision report which is a look back at the past year and an exciting glimpse at the year ahead!

After the resurrection, Christ’s followers awaited the arrival of the promised Spirit of God. Then, just as Jesus said, a divine invasion came upon them, bringing inner transformation, supernatural power, guidance and comfort. Two-thousand years later, the invasion continues! You are invited on this exciting but humbling adventure as we focus on the Person of the Holy Spirit and His work within the life of the believer.

Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new. —2 Corinthians 5:17 (CEV)
New year, new life. Join us for this encouraging sermon series as we explore how a genuine relationship with Jesus makes everything new!

The heart of God is to bring His creation to ONE-ness with Him. Atonement is a powerful gift God has provided that satisfies the penalty of sin we all deserve through the sacrifice of another. Learn what a “whole burnt offering” is and uncover its powerful connection to Christ’s cross and His ultimate sacrifice.

The real reason for the season is that Jesus came to save us from the war with sin. Scripture reveals that “…our struggle is…against the spiritual forces of evil...” Join us this Christmas season as we expose the real dark side, learn to overcome our “inVader” and embrace the New Hope Jesus offers us all.

Take a deeper look at Matthew 21:12-17 to understand the significance of why Jesus drove out those who were buying and selling in the temple courts. Why was there such a difference in the response of the religious leaders and those Christ healed?

A discussion panel featuring inspiring testimonies from four people within our church family who share about how true biblical community and our ministry efforts have impacted their lives. Includes concluding thoughts from Pastor Dan Milette.

Discover a truly authentic faith and profound love for God while uncovering powerful pathways for transformation through the integration of emotional health and contemplative spirituality. Break free from the bondage of the past and experience the healing and freedom God intends! Based on the book by Peter Scazzero.

Prayer is one of the most important spiritual habits a Christ-follower can develop. It’s an essential way we get to know and love God while aligning our heart with His. It unleashes God’s power through miracles, changed lives and transformed hearts. Join us as we learn practical ways to get the fire burning within!

prod•i•gal – adjective. 1. recklessly extravagant. 2. lavishly abundant. 3. having spent everything.
One son kept the rules religiously. One son broke them all. One father loved them both beyond anything they could ever imagine. The gospel is not about religion or morality but something else entirely. Join us as we look at one of Jesus’ best-known parables, uncovering an unexpected message of hope and salvation. Be prepared to rediscover the heart of Christianity!

Ever feel so beaten up by life that you just want to “throw in the towel”? Sometimes it seems that life is against us as we struggle to stay strong in an increasingly hostile world. God hasn’t forgotten you! In fact, His plan is to show you His love through the circumstances of life. Join us as we dig in and uncover some real encouragement.

Pastor Dan explains how the victories and challenges of the past year have prepared us for what lies ahead!

Join us for this Easter series as we look at two REALLY big questions: “Is God REALLY there?” and “Does God REALLY love me?”

There is a lot of talk about “love” these days, but what is love...really? And how is it that God’s love for us is not only far better than the cheap version offered by this world, but is one that enables us to love Him and others in similar ways? Join us as we explore this life-altering love without strings.

Become so saturated by a relationship with God that you overflow into the lives of those around you. Get ready to experience God’s love in a new way—and to share it with others in a manner that’s natural, simple and heart-felt. Based on the book “Outflow: Outward-Focused Living in a Self-Focused World” by Steve Sjogren and David Ping.

Even if we get everything we want, why do we still long for what we don’t have? What's that elusive hard-to-define “thing” that's always just out of reach? Could we be missing out on what’s really important? Join us this season as we look at what we really need!

During the Thanksgiving holiday, most of us gather together with family and friends, hopefully to do more than eat a meal, watch football or make a mad dash for the mall! Pastor Dan reminds us why God wants us to be thankful and grateful people every day of the year. Video includes a baptism celebration.

Join us on a journey through the 23rd Psalm as we discuss some helpful ways to deal with six major sources of stress in our lives.

Get to know God in a more intimate way this summer as we uncover the dominant aspects of His character and see Him for Who He really is.

Months were invested in prayer, discussion and hard work as we evaluated what we do as a church and why. The result was the development of a clear, concise and understandable church mission and vision. What Now? Join us as we showcase and elaborate on the specific components of our mission and vision which will enable DCN to fulfill the Great Commission in the unique way God calls us to. You will be motivated to engage in the process like never before!

The Easter bunny...Easter eggs...lots of chocolate... In the midst of all this fun innocence, we must not lose sight of the real meaning of this life-changing holiday. Easter is all about one of the most pivotal events in human history—the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead! Join us as we look at why Easter has meaning, and how that meaning impacts our lives every day.

This is the series description.

Another year, another "New Year’s resolution" to get in shape, lose a few pounds and get healthier! As a living organism, Christ's body, a.k.a. the Church, needs to be healthy, too! Join us as we explore what it means to be a healthy body of Christ-followers.

Time to get back the power! It's easy for Christ's church to drift from its purpose. Join us for the ride of your life as we get BACK to the FUTURE vision God has for us!

This is a test description of the series "Unity in the Community"!