Welcome to NexGen Ministries Youth Group!

Our Mission is to raise up the youth to be set apart as kingdom men and women for the glory of God’s kingdom.
Our Members in DCN youth include all persons participating in Nazarene youth ministry who choose to embrace our stated vision and values.
Our Vision believes that young people are an integral part of the Church. DCN Youth exists to lead young people into a lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ and to facilitate their growth as disciples for Christian service.
Our Values
- We value Young People…significant in the kingdom of God.
- We value the Bible…God’s unchanging truth for our lives.
- We value Prayer…vital interactive communication with our Heavenly Father.
- We value the Church…a global holiness community of faith, diverse in culture but one in Christ.
- We value Worship…life-changing encounters with an intimate God.
- We value Discipleship…a lifestyle of becoming like Christ.
- We value Community…building relationships that help bind us together and to God.
- We value Ministry…extending God’s grace to our world.
- We value Witness…sharing God’s love in word and deed.
- We value Holiness…a work of grace whereby God, through the working of His Holy Spirit, enables us to live a life representing Christ in who we are and in everything we do.
These values are important dimensions of the holy life and are to be reflected in the life and ministry of DCN at every level of the church. (Please refer to the Articles of Faith in the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene for more information on these values.) In reflecting these values, we acknowledge the following Guiding Principles.
Our Guiding Principles
- DCN-Youth
DCN Youth exists to attract, equip, and empower young people for service in the kingdom of God and to facilitate their integration into the Church of the Nazarene or others as the Lord leads them. - Focus on Christ
Christ is central to who we are, the Word of God our authoritative source for all we do, and holiness our pattern for life. - We are built on relational ministry to youth in the local church or others as a lead of the Lord
Effective ministry to young people in the local church is critical to the health and vibrancy of DCN Youth . Relationships and incarnational ministry form the foundation for Nazarene youth ministry, guiding young people toward spiritual maturity in Christ. - Develop and mentor young leaders
DCN- Youth provides opportunities for emerging leaders to develop and utilize their gifts within an environment of nurture and support, assuring strong leadership for the Church of the Nazarene. Leadership training, accountability, and mechanisms for evaluation and modification of ministry are vital functions of DCN Youth. - Empowered to lead
Relevant youth ministry requires that responsibility for ministry and organizational decisions reside with DCN Youth leadership and the appropriate governing bodies at every level. A sense of belonging and ownership, a passion for service, and input in decision-making are key ingredients for the empowerment of young people through DCN- Youth. - Embrace unity and diversity in Christ
DCN Youth is committed to understanding and celebrating differences and diversity in language, color, race, culture, socioeconomic class, and gender. Our differences do not diminish unity but enhance our potential and effectiveness. Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in culturally relevant ways must always be a high priority. - Create networks and partnerships
A climate of cooperation characterizes our relationships at every level of DCN- Youth Networking within the church enhances the development and deployment of young people for service; DCN- Youth actively participates in such cooperative endeavors.
Our Rules During Youth Group
- Respect all youth leaders and staff
- Respect each other
- No fighting
- No gossip
- If you see something, say something to your youth leaders
- Be on time and be prepared for group
- Respect facility
- Be willing to try new things
Order of Service for Youth Group
- Worship
- Scripture reading
- Prayer
- Topic of the month (guest speaker)
- Closing prayer
- Food & activities
- Dismissal